What did you do to your bike today?

Ok not that the cr5 isn’t a beastly machine demanding respect but the guy riding the 450 is a goober.
LOL! Yeup goober he be! I fear once the 2 stroke is gone, then the 4 stroke is soon to follow, then its electric, and I just bet in a couple of decades they will say electric is bad, then next it bicycles, and it will just never end. We will be submissive out of shape couch potato's with no out door future, so all must worry about the 2-stroke demise…..:cheers:
went to my hometown to race there annual desert race, got out front early and was extending away and towards the end of lap 1 the clutch cable snapped :(

How do you snap a clutch cable??? Mine was 6 yrs old when I went hydro.
:prof: I should also add that I’m awesome and it is a Suzuki that I own.
Clutches are over rated.
ya know, if I was racing at a nhha, I'd be going for it, but just some race I entered just because that I'm not in the points for, between no clutch and missing the cleat off my rear brake pedal, I decided to drive home. figured it just wasn't worth a potential injury considering I have the potential to get a legit ama #1 plate here soon
in b4 he's a pussy
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ya know, if I was racing at a nhha, I'd be going for it, but just some race I entered just because that I'm not in the points for, between no clutch and missing the cleat off my rear brake pedal, I decided to drive home. figured it just wasn't worth a potential injury considering I have the potential to get a legit ama #1 plate here soon
in b4 he's a pussy

Who’s a pussy?