What did you do to your bike today?


Staff member
repacked my exhaust and did my airfilter today, felt lazy and didnt get to my oil change yet but the oil is ready whenever
Yeah I probably should have done the oil however I also got lazy and decided to wait until after this weekend. Almost didn't clean the air filters but figured I'd better clean some as I put the last oiled one on. :lol:
New Clutch perch and lever (the old bolt was frozen to the bearing in the lever and cross threaded so I cut the head of the bolt off, back the adjuster all the way out and slid the cable out) grips and hand guards :ride:
honda different hand guards.jpg
Put a couple hours on my junk today after weed wacking a bunch of thorns on an over grown track and fixing a massive oil leak in a dirt driveway. However once I fixed the oil leak the mf'er kept all her fluids on the inside and ran great.
i moved them around a bunch in the process of cleaning my garage.... so i actually have a garage instead of some tight single track i have to navigate my way through to get inside the house.

found some tools under/behind my workbench i had been missing for YEARS :lol: one in particular was my linemans from when i did electrician work. i loved those linemans. they prolly saved me from harm many o times. so glad i found em
honda fell off the stand and broke the clutch lever so guess what I did this evening
still a fantastic trail bike, did 50 miles and explored some new areas