Just checked into my shipping on the graphics... Said delivered!!!!
Looks like graphics today, and complete assembly on Tuesday. I just might have this done ahead of schedule.
So, let's see what happens to the 125.

Motor pulled and ready for clean up. Seal all ports of entry.

This frame is just going to get a good cleaning, sanding and paint. Think my PC guy ran out of YZ blue.

After 1 hour and 30-45 minutes, I can strip a bike down to a box of parts. No process photos on this one, I was trying to beat the timer. So, I just broke it down and went in for dinner.

This one is in need of suspension overhaul. Not sure if I am going to sale or keep. No use for a 125, but if it all prettied up, in the back of the truck at the track with a 4 Sally sign, it might move and CL is the other option.

Motor cleaned up nice. No picture of inside yet, but this little girl is very nice inside. I'll post up pics later on the ingredients. But not much needed at all. I'll do the ring, piston bearing, pin and clips, all seals and gaskets. needs less but I like to have piece of mind when they leave the YZ doctors place.

Meanwhile, the 02 is split, parts are missing, and the order is going in by Wednesday. I'll let the serviceman know what it's going to take and let him decide if he wants it back or try a 125.

Inside the 02 crank housing. Rod bearing made a sweet whiteness to the last time it died.