250 I am a YZ Whore-der

I think the new owner of this one is going to like it as much as the last couple I sold, I still get reports as to how happy the guy in LA is about the way it looks and runs. The guy in San Diego I called should have been notarized and he said he sold it because, "it was way to much bike for him". So, I guess the new owner was able to, or hasn't tried yet to register it in his name. Left my number if he had any troubles.
As of now, I am waiting for the gal in CO to send me back the loss of title paperwork for her 125 I have. Don't think I will get that far in CA with a bill of sale. If that doesn't work, I am going to try AZ ADOT.
Tomorrow I will be at AAA registering the other three in my name. The 02 with tranny problem might be a little sticky as the guy filled out the pink, never registered it, and gave me a bill of sale. Oh ya, it has an 18" on the rear.... :thumb:
18" rear hmmmm
Wheel all cleaned up and new tire mounted.
Let's smoke some pipe.
While we smoke that, let's get this rear on.
Ok next, let's get that new DID gold non O-ring chain.


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image.jpg Ok, The Pretenders. <Thanks Timo, I didn't look it up to be sure... I am old as dirt....
Back on the Chain gang.
After that, it's back to hitting the pipe. 1200 degree black paint after a good scrubbing, sanding, burning
Looking purdy, like a KY hillbillies mouf..
Few little dents, but that's not bad enough to go new or send up to PNW pipe repair. 92.00$ round trip.
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That completes the day. Next up is graphics on new plastics. But first, a few more pics: new throttle tube.
Plastics waiting on graphics by Tuesday:
Black gripper seat cover:
And, a little closer view of those cute little bleeders:
Push this back in the shop, and start tearing down the 2001, YZ 125. Time to pop the cherry, this will be my first!
04 is coming along nicely Palmer. Can't believe that an 04 still has the tire information sticker on the swing arm still and/or you have not removed it. Or are you going all dealer prep and installing them on there for safety/liability concerns?
04 is coming along nicely Palmer. Can't believe that an 04 still has the tire information sticker on the swing arm still and/or you have not removed it. Or are you going all dealer prep and installing them on there for safety/liability concerns?

This bike has/had all OEM stickers front head tube, front fender, rear fender... I think what I have been finding is bikes that scared the hell out of the original owner, stored, sold, and scared the crap out of the next guy. Rinse and repeat. Hardly any frame and case rub.
Just checked into my shipping on the graphics... Said delivered!!!!
Looks like graphics today, and complete assembly on Tuesday. I just might have this done ahead of schedule.
So, let's see what happens to the 125.
Motor pulled and ready for clean up. Seal all ports of entry.
This frame is just going to get a good cleaning, sanding and paint. Think my PC guy ran out of YZ blue.
After 1 hour and 30-45 minutes, I can strip a bike down to a box of parts. No process photos on this one, I was trying to beat the timer. So, I just broke it down and went in for dinner.
This one is in need of suspension overhaul. Not sure if I am going to sale or keep. No use for a 125, but if it all prettied up, in the back of the truck at the track with a 4 Sally sign, it might move and CL is the other option.
Motor cleaned up nice. No picture of inside yet, but this little girl is very nice inside. I'll post up pics later on the ingredients. But not much needed at all. I'll do the ring, piston bearing, pin and clips, all seals and gaskets. needs less but I like to have piece of mind when they leave the YZ doctors place.
Meanwhile, the 02 is split, parts are missing, and the order is going in by Wednesday. I'll let the serviceman know what it's going to take and let him decide if he wants it back or try a 125.
Inside the 02 crank housing. Rod bearing made a sweet whiteness to the last time it died.
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Oh yah I forgot to mention, I found a nice duplication paint for the clutch cover. What do you think? Not that I will ever try and "hide" the use of a bike but a nice touch. The old was the one above in the tray. This is after clean, sand, wash, dry, paint, wet sand, wash, dry, paint, X2.

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