250 I am a YZ Whore-der

Employee injury report:

Employee description:
Our terminal manager Jack used a ladder to climb up to check a thermocouple on a unit heater. The ladder began to come apart and I jumped on the forklift to help Jack off, because he had to hold it and hang. Then he dropped it (ladder) on me when he was getting off. That is when my chin got cut by him dropping it.

Anyway, said warehouseman wasn't hired for his ability to write descriptively. (He had family who did lots of business with the company I worked for.)

I once knew a guy named Jack Meyhof.....does that count for anything?
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The character we used when we were in hs was Jack Einogh. (We used that spelling to get past certain school sorts.) We fooled various people who weren't used to dealing with people of our caliber and humor into doing everything from paging a person by that name to using "Jack"as a reference.
Back in late 70's early 80's I worked as a parts man in the VW industry. There was a salesman by the name of Gary Hunt, I told the bimbo blond receptionist his brother Mike needed to come to the showroom. Sure as shit, she paged Mike Hunt is wanted on the showroom floor.
Einogh ended up being in lots of conversations for a pretty long time. This one poor guy whose English was really lacking in slang was one of the ones that was easiest and if he wasn't such a nice guy and a good friend it would have been really funny.

This friend of mine's sister used to like to make men feel uneasy and she is so gorgeous it was pretty easy for her. One spring she started looking for work for the summer and applied at a local insurance agency. There was this really straight man who ran the office, big into church stuff who was cheerfully doing this interview with her. Lana had this very spring looking dress on that made any day seem springy actually. This guy asks about her typing skills and she said kind of apologetically that she "really never took typing, but she learned on her own and was "a hunt'n pecker" with other skills". Couldn't resist doing that to this guy who was inspite of his churchiness doing the normal male thing and trying to get a glimpse of the "twins". Actually Lana could type about 80 words a minute. I love her for her sense of humor. I hated her for marrying a very large and strong college football player.
Wrong! Actually Cheif, Bowels Move SSA!
You have me mistaken with another member. zyomit!
So don't be such a KCID!

So the "ELOHSSA" story.......

Had a crazy buddy of mine get a California personalized plate with "ELOHSSA"
As the plate. Had it for about a year. One day he gets a letter from DMV telling him to bring the plates in for replacement as they don't meet the guidelines. So he goes to DMV and says what's the problem? DMV asks him the meaning of the plate so explains.... His great great grandfather was "Chief Elohssa" a great Comanche Indian war chief and he was just recognizing his great great grandfather with the personalized plate. None the less he was not allowed to keep the plates on his corvette.
LOL, if she is from the same town, she will remember Lana too. But everyone I know liked her. I dont think she and Dan have any history, but he can attest to how she could have got any normal male to having "daydreams". She was in his younger brother's class. Ahead of me, and one of those girls that made most of my friends think I was a little more than I really was. She was/is very nice.
Return of the whore-der. Surfing CL I ran across another bike. 02 YZ 250, will not shift past third. I send the guy an email and offer repair or purchase on the cheap. He was asking 12 for a bike that doesn't work. He called me and we talked, exchanged emails, he and his buddies already had it apart and replaced some things. Didn't fix it, same problem! So I sent him a rough estimate for repair. Come to find out, he is a service man, owned the bike for 3-4 months, and it never did shift past third. This leaves me to believe the original owner knew that and sold this poor first time dirt bike buyer a POS. the young man didn't test drive it up and down the street because the neighborhood he bought it from didn't allow. Likely story I'd say from the guy that sold it to him. Anyelway, he said, come get the bike on the cheap. Seeing that he got screwed, I told him I would buy the bike, repair what's wrong, and let him know my costs + labor and he can decide if he would like to buy it back when I am done. Not sure but he said he needed the money right now more than a bike as his truck needs a little love. Told him not to worry, I'll give him a couple months befor I market it. (June)
Here she is: real rough.
Bent radiators, scrapes and gouges, but repairable.
Motor cleaned and ready for the bench.
Had to get the 04 motor off the bench and cradled first though.
Stay with me!

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